Talk Dirty to Me #MWTease from High-Risk Fever


Happy Wednesday, and thanks again to Angelica Dawson for organizing the MidWeekTeases!

This week’s tease comes from a GLBT ménage I’m about to re-release with a new cover and an additional chapter 🙂


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“Talk dirty to me.” Legs apart, Anne writhed, her back pressed deep into the mattress by Brian’s heavy body. Soft heat from the bed sheets enveloped her, and her husband’s warm skin touched hers in all the right places.

Low moans drifted from another room. One of the tenant couples. Outside, a symphony of sounds revealed Mother Nature’s fury. Rain hammered on the roof. Violent wind tore at the closed shutters, making them clatter against the frames. Thunder boomed in the distance as the storm moved to a neighboring village.

Brian grunted disagreement into her ear. The tip of his thick, hard cock poked at her entrance, teasing. One thrust and he would slide in, but she wanted more than the usual fucking and moving on to other family matters. She wanted hot, she wanted dirty.

S’il te plaît.” She pressed her hands against his hips, stopping him from penetrating her. “Say porn stuff to me, first.”

He grumbled, moving his nose down the side of her throat, his excited breath leaving a trail of moist heat on her skin. “Why? We don’t usually…”

Why? Because—dare she even think the thought?

It’s because of those ebony eyes. I can’t get them out of my mind.

The teasing eyes of a Latin beauty on a bike, staring at her in a haze of naughtiness and shameless seduction.

How pathetic, really. All day, the memories had haunted her, each time making her breath catch and her chest ache. And each time, she’d pushed the vivid images away and forced herself to concentrate on everyday life instead.

But now that the familiar, musky scent of sex filled the dimly lit bedroom, and her husband lay on top of her, eager to introduce his hungry erection into her wetness again, she couldn’t help bringing the Italian back into her mind.

She had to be delirious to allow such a violation of acceptable conduct—infidelity. Her cheeks colored.

A lusty female scream flared through the thin hall walls separating them from the other lovers. A moment later, a male groan.

Anne listened, and when silence settled, she replayed the sounds in her mind. Jealousy stung. Several times, Brian had brought her close to the edge, making her whimper with pleasure, but never this far. She wanted to scream like that woman, wanted to experience a real orgasm like her.

The black-haired bicyclist could do it to me, I’m sure.

Just thinking about it made her pussy muscles contract. Her husband didn’t need to know why. It would be her small secret. The first and only.


Copyright (c) 2014 Lea Bronsen


(The old cover:)

bilde (1)


Two young and indecently handsome bicyclists visit a village in the French Alps during the summer holidays. Forced by a raging storm to spend the night at the local bed & breakfast, they invade the quiet lives of hostess Anne and her husband, Brian.

A power outage plunges the foursome into darkness, encouraging new liaisons to form, life-long secrets to be unveiled, and steamy lessons to be learned. But once the storm moves on, can the four find a balance and resume their normal lives?


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Find out more about the book here

Add the book to your shelf on Goodreads

See photos that inspired me to write the book on Pinterest

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Thanks for stopping by!

Be sure to check out all the fantastic writers sharing Mid-Week Tease Blog

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